Dental Surgeries

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Dental Surgery Treatments

While routine dental care is essential, there are situations where more specialized procedures become necessary to maintain or restore oral health. Dental surgery encompasses a variety of procedures performed under anesthesia or local numbing to address various issues within the jawbone, gums, and teeth.

Dental surgery can seem daunting, but advancements in technology and techniques have made these procedures more precise and comfortable. If your dentist recommends dental surgery for your oral health needs, discussing the details of the procedure, potential risks and benefits, and recovery process is crucial to ensure you feel informed and prepared. Here's a closer look at some common dental surgery treatments:


Sometimes, a tooth can become too damaged or diseased to be saved. In these cases, extraction, the surgical removal of a tooth, becomes necessary. This can be a straightforward procedure for a loose or single-rooted tooth, but complex extractions might be needed for impacted wisdom teeth or teeth with multiple roots.

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Sinus Lifts

A sinus lift procedure is performed when there isn't enough bone for an implant. This minimally invasive surgery involves carefully lifting the sinus membrane in the upper jaw to create space for bone grafting material. Over time, this material fuses with the existing bone, creating a strong foundation for dental implants.

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Bone Grafting

Bone loss can hinder the placement of dental implants or even compromise the stability of existing teeth. Bone grafting procedures involve transplanting bone tissue from another location in the jaw or mouth into the deficient area. The grafted bone promotes new bone growth, creating a solid foundation for future dental procedures.

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This procedure addresses excessive gum tissue that covers too much tooth surface, creating a "gummy smile." A gingivectomy involves surgically reshaping the gum tissue to expose more of the natural tooth crown for a more aesthetically pleasing smile. It's important to note that gingivectomy is primarily a cosmetic procedure and might not be suitable for everyone.

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Benefits Of Dental Surgery Treatment

Relief from tooth pain through various procedures.
Prevent swelling and limited opening of the mouth
Prevent swelling and limited opening of the mouth
Removal of oral infection and prevents future illness or health problems
We have flexible Payment plans available
We cater for all dental/oral surgery procedures

Frequently asked questions

Dental surgery is performed to address various oral health concerns, including:
  • Tooth extraction: When a tooth is severely damaged, infected, or impacted, extraction might be necessary.
  • Dental implants: Implants require sufficient jawbone density for placement. Surgery like sinus lifts or bone grafts might be needed to create a suitable foundation.
  • Jaw surgery:This can correct jawbone discrepancies that impact bite function or facial aesthetics.
  • Treating gum disease: Advanced gum disease might require surgical intervention to remove infected tissue and regenerate healthy bone.

Modern dentistry prioritizes comfort. Local anesthesia or sedation is used to numb the area and minimize discomfort during the surgery itself. You might experience some soreness or swelling afterward, but pain medication can help manage it.

Your dentist will provide specific post-operative instructions tailored to your procedure. These might include pain management, dietary restrictions, and proper care of the surgical site. Following these instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery.

Recovery time varies depending on the complexity of the surgery. Simple extractions might heal within a few days, while more involved procedures like jaw surgery could have a longer recovery period. Your dentist will give you a more specific timeframe based on your individual case.

As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks like infection or bleeding. However, dental surgeons are highly trained professionals who take precautions to minimize these risks. Discussing any concerns with your dentist beforehand can help ease your mind.

If you experience any of the following, consult your dentist to determine if dental surgery might be necessary:
  • Persistent toothache or throbbing pain
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Swelling or tenderness in the gums
  • Visible pus coming from the gums
  • Impacted wisdom teeth

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