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What is Tooth Filling

A tooth filling is a dental restoration used to repair a damaged tooth. It addresses common problems like cavities, cracks, chips, or worn-down tooth surfaces.

Tooth fillings come in various materials, each with its own advantages, and the dentist will recommend the best option based on the severity of the damage, location of the filling, and your personal preferences.

A proper tooth filling not only restores the form and function of your tooth, but also prevents further decay and protects the inner pulp of the tooth.

Why choose Filling?

Tooth fillings are a cornerstone of dental care, effectively repairing damage caused by cavities, cracks, or fractures in your teeth.

The primary culprit behind needing a filling is tooth decay, caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar (mineralized plaque) on your teeth.

This acidic environment eats away at the tooth enamel, creating a cavity or hole. Left untreated, the decay can progress deeper into the tooth, causing pain and potentially leading to more serious problems.

Benefits Of Teeth Filling

Prevent Further Decay.
Restore Functionality.
Reduce Pain and Sensitivity.
Improve Appearance.
Prevent Further Complications.
Relatively Simple Procedure.

Frequently asked questions

Tooth fillings are used to repair damage caused by cavities, cracks, or fractures in your teeth. They prevent further decay, restore functionality, and improve appearance.

Signs include toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, visible dark spots on your teeth, or pain when chewing. Regular dental checkups with X-rays are crucial for early detection of cavities.

  • Tooth-colored composite resin: Natural-looking, popular for front teeth.
  • Silver amalgam: Durable, used for back teeth that experience high chewing pressure.
  • Gold fillings: Less common but strong, suitable for large fillings or repeated fractures.

Local anesthesia is used to numb the area, minimizing discomfort. You might feel some pressure during the procedure but typically no pain.

Simple fillings can be completed in one appointment, while complex ones might require more time.

With proper care (brushing, flossing, and regular checkups), fillings can last many years. Composite fillings might need replacement sooner than amalgam or gold.

Contact your dentist as soon as possible to schedule a replacement filling to prevent further damage to the tooth.

Practice good oral hygiene: Brush twice daily, floss daily, and use mouthwash. Maintain regular dental checkups and cleanings for early detection of cavities. Limit sugary foods and drinks that contribute to tooth decay.

Tooth fillings are a safe and well-established dental procedure. However, consult your dentist if you have any concerns, especially regarding allergies to specific filling materials.

Follow dentist's instructions regarding sensitivity (avoiding certain foods or medications). Maintain good oral hygiene practices.

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Other Cosmetic Treatments

"I was worried I'd lose a tooth thanks to a nasty cavity. My dentist recommended a filling, and I'm so glad I listened! The procedure was quick and painless, and the filling looks completely natural. Now I can chew comfortably and smile confidently again. Thanks to fillings, I get to keep my original tooth and a healthy smile!"

Oyaniyi Hassan

Teeth Filling patient

"For weeks, I had this throbbing pain in my tooth. Turns out, it was a cavity. Getting a filling was the best decision! The dentist took care of the decay, and the filling stopped the pain instantly. Now I can finally enjoy hot coffee without wincing. Fillings are a lifesaver!"


Teeth Filling patient

"I chipped my front tooth playing basketball. I thought I'd need a whole new crown, but my dentist surprised me! They were able to fix the chip with a tiny tooth-colored filling. You can't even tell there was ever any damage! Now my smile looks good as new, and I saved money compared to a crown."


Teeth Fillings patient