Dental Bridge

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What is a Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a fixed restoration option for people with missing teeth. It literally bridges the gap by anchoring a false tooth, called a pontic, to the healthy teeth on either side of the space.

These healthy teeth, called abutment teeth, are fitted with crowns that support the pontic. The bridge itself can be crafted from various materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination of both.

Dental bridges offer several advantages:

  • They restore your ability to chew properly
  • Improve your speech,
  • Erevent surrounding teeth from shifting,
  • Enhance the aesthetics of your smile by filling the gap
  • Boosting confidence.

How Bridge Work

Dental bridges work by essentially creating a new tooth out of three parts:

  • Abutment Teeth: These are the healthy teeth on either side of the gap where the missing tooth is. They act as anchors for the bridge.
  • Crowns: Crowns are placed over the abutment teeth. These crowns are specially designed to have strong attachments for the bridge. The dentist will prepare the abutment teeth by slightly reshaping them to accommodate the crowns.
  • Pontic: This is the false tooth that fills the gap left by the missing tooth. The pontic is usually made from porcelain to resemble a natural tooth and is securely attached to the crowns on the abutment teeth.

Types Of Bridges

Dental bridges offer a dependable solution for replacing missing teeth, but there's not a one-size-fits-all approach. Here's a closer look at the four main types of dental bridges:

1.Traditional Bridges

Crowns are placed on the healthy teeth on either side of the gap (abutment teeth). These crowns act as anchors for the bridge. A false tooth (pontic) is then attached to the crowns, literally bridging the gap left by the missing tooth.

2.Cantilever Bridges

Used when there's only one healthy tooth on either side of the gap. A single crown is placed on the abutment tooth, and the pontic cantilevers (extends) out from that crown to fill the gap. Not as strong or stable as traditional bridges due to the unequal distribution of chewing forces.

3. Maryland Bonded Bridges

Metal wings are bonded to the backside of the healthy teeth adjacent to the gap, instead of placing crowns on them, a pontic is then attached to the metal framework. May not be suitable for all situations, especially if the teeth lack sufficient enamel for a strong bond.

4. Implant-Supported Bridges

Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as anchors for the bridge, eliminating the need to modify healthy teeth. A crown is placed on each implant, and then the pontic(s) are attached to the crowns, requires surgical placement of implants, making it a more complex procedure.

Benefits Of Dental Bridges

A dental bridge restores the missing tooth structure, allowing you to bite and chew more effectively. This can lead to better digestion and improved overall nutrition.
Gaps in your teeth can impact your speech, causing sounds to be slurred or muffled. A dental bridge fills the gaps and creates a more complete oral structure, improving the clarity and pronunciation of your speech.
Dental bridges are permanent restorations, so they don't need to be removed for cleaning like dentures. They feel secure and comfortable in the mouth, allowing you to eat and speak normally.
When teeth are missing, surrounding teeth tend to shift into the empty space. This can lead to misalignment, crowding, and bite problems. A bridge keeps the remaining teeth in their proper positions.
Missing teeth can cause the jawbone to deteriorate over time. A dental bridge helps stimulate the jawbone and maintain its natural shape, contributing to a more youthful look.
A dental bridge restores your smile's aesthetics, filling the gaps and creating a more complete and attractive appearance. This can significantly boost your confidence and improve your social interactions.

Frequently asked questions

A dental bridge is a fixed restoration for missing teeth. It literally bridges the gap by anchoring a false tooth (pontic) to healthy teeth on either side (abutment teeth) with crowns. These crowns hold the bridge in place. The bridge restores chewing function, speech, and aesthetics.

There are several bridge types:
  • Traditional bridges: Most common, use crowns on surrounding teeth to support the pontic.
  • Cantilever bridges: Attach the pontic to just one abutment tooth.
  • Maryland bridges: Use metal wings bonded to the backside of the abutment teeth .
  • Implant-supported bridges: Use dental implants for support instead of crowns on surrounding teeth.

People with good oral health, missing one or more teeth with healthy teeth on either side, and good jawbone density are generally good candidates.

Typically two or more appointments: preparing the teeth, taking impressions, placing temporary restorations, and then bonding the permanent bridge.

Local anesthesia is used to numb the area during preparation, minimizing discomfort.

With proper care, bridges can last 7-15 years or even longer. Implant-supported bridges typically last much longer.

Brush and floss regularly, just like natural teeth. Maintain regular dental checkups for cleaning and bridge evaluation.

Contact your dentist as soon as possible. They can usually repair or recement the bridge.

The cost varies depending on factors like the type of bridge, materials and the nature of the problem.

Alternatives include dental implants (considered the best long-term option), partial dentures (removable replacement for missing teeth), or leaving the gap empty (may cause future problems).

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Treatment Process

  1. Consultation and Examination: During consultation, we'll discuss your missing teeth, your concerns, and your desired outcome.
  2. Tooth PreparationAnesthesia will be administered to numb the area around the teeth that will support the bridge (abutment teeth), we'll then reshape the enamel of these teeth slightly to create space for the crowns that will be placed over them. Impressions will be taken of the prepared teeth and the surrounding area to ensure the bridge fits precisely. You might be fitted with temporary crowns to protect the prepared teeth and maintain aesthetics while the permanent bridge is being fabricated.
  3. Bridge FabricationThe dental technician will use the impressions to create a custom-made bridge in a dental lab. This process can take a few weeks.The bridge will be made from the chosen material, typically porcelain fused to metal (PFM) or zirconia, and will be designed to match the color and shape of your surrounding teeth.
  4. Bridge Placement(second appointment): Your temporary crowns will be removed and any minor adjustments might be made at this stage. Once everything is satisfactory, the bridge will be permanently cemented onto the prepared abutment teeth.
  5. Follow-up Care:You'll be given instructions on how to care for your bridge, including proper brushing and flossing techniques. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial to maintain good oral health and the longevity of your bridge. In rare cases, you might experience some initial sensitivity or discomfort after bridge placement. This usually subsides within a few days. Contact us if it persists for further dignosis.

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