Metalic Braces

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What are Metal Braces?

Metal braces are a great way to transform your smile into what you have always dreamed of.

Metal braces consist of metal brackets, wires, and sometimes rubber bands, which work together to gradually move teeth into their correct positions.
Whether you want to address lingering gaps from childhood, correct new alignment issues, or simply boost your self-esteem, metal braces provide a variety of discreet and effective options to transform your smile, no matter your age.
Dive in to explore the exciting world of Braces and discover how they can unlock a whole new level of confidence for you!

Why Choose Metal Braces?

Straightening your smile isn't just for kids anymore!

Metal Braces are the most common type of braces that have been around for almost 100 years.
Whether you want to address lingering gaps from childhood, correct new alignment issues, or simply boost your self-esteem, adult braces provide a variety of discreet and effective options to transform your smile, no matter your age.
You will receive a full orthodontic treatment plan (that outlines the plan for your treatment) once you attend your consultation.

Benefits of Metal Braces

Metal braces are highly effective at correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crooked teeth, overcrowding, and bite misalignments.
Metal braces are made of high-quality stainless steel, making them durable and able to withstand the pressures of orthodontic treatment.
Metal braces are often more affordable than other orthodontic options, making them accessible to a wider range of patients.
While the basic design of metal braces remains the same, patients can choose colored bands to personalize their braces and express their unique style.
While some patients may prefer more discreet options like ceramic or lingual braces, others appreciate the visibility of metal braces as a symbol of their commitment to improving their smile
Metal braces can be used to correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, making them suitable for patients of all ages, from children to adults.
Metal braces have been used for decades and have a well-established track record of success. Orthodontists have extensive experience working with metal braces..
Metal braces allows patients to eat Better, Speak Better which in turn helps to Improve the Quality Of your Life

What Our patient say

I was terrified of losing my smile!
" Getting braces was the best decision I made for my smile! At first, I was nervous about how they would look, but now I love seeing my teeth getting straighter every day. The process has been smooth, and my orthodontist has been incredibly supportive throughout. I can't wait to see the final results!"

Victoria (Metal Braces)

Frequently asked questions

Adult braces are for adults who are abov 16 years of age.

The length of time of treatment depends on how complicated your case is, it is best to do an examination with your orthodontist to get the proper timeframe.

Yes, at Lake Basin Dental and Orthodontics Center, we have both clear braces or metal braces to choose from.

Yes. If you have orthodontic treatment to move teeth, the teeth will want to move back. A retainer is the best method of maintaining your straight teeth and prevent a relapse.

Adult braces treat several dental issues that affect oral health, function, and appearance. They help fix overcrowding, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites. They also help fix crooked or misaligned teeth. Adult braces gently move teeth into their right places. This improves alignment and occlusion.

This depends on the problem being treated. Moderate problems can be fixed usually within 8 to 12 months. More severe problems and bite issues take a minimum of 1 year and sometimes 2 or more years. We will be happy to discuss time frames with you on your consultation appointment.

Adult braces may be necessary for both jaws depending on the treatment goals. They can improve face symmetry and smiles by caring for both upper and lower teeth. Sometimes only one jaw needs braces because the other is already in place.

Yes, with good care braces are effective and deliver results when all measures are strictly observed. Retainer will help maintain the new postures after braces removal thus maintaining the new look.

Checkups are done after one month where do adjustments and monitoring of the treatment.

We are located at TRM mall Nairobi. Come to second floor next to Airtel Shop.

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