Dental Implants

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What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a substitute for the root of a missing tooth. Implants are used to replace single teeth by placing a porcelain crown on top.

Alternatively, multiple teeth can be replaced by placing a dental bridge over several implants. They can also be used to hold dentures in position. Dental implants are a very elegant solution to the problem of missing teeth.

They are fixed in position, look and feel like natural teeth, and avoid the problems associated with bridges or dentures. They are the closest thing in dentistry to natural teeth.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants Dental implants are permanent and don’t require any adjustments to the adjacent teeth. They provide a significant long term benefit to your oral health!

They are also a permanent solution to wearing dentures. Dentures are removable and as such may move when eating and speaking. Some patients also find them bulky or uncomfortable to wear.

Bridges require the adjacent teeth to be filed down which may cause problems down the line. It is a shame to have to file down a healthy tooth and risk damaging or losing it.

After for Dental Implants?

You will be numb for 1-2 hours following the procedure. During this period be careful not to bite your lip and tongue, or burn yourself with hot food or drinks.

After this numbness wears off expect some post-operative discomfort, which will subside in a few days. For full aftercare instructions for dental implants, click on the button below.

AfterCare For Dental Implants

Benefits of Tooth Implants

Tooth implants look and function just like your natural teeth. They are strong and durable, allowing you to bite and chew without any limitations.
Unlike bridges, which require grinding down healthy teeth to support the replacement tooth, implants are self-supporting. This preserves the health of your surrounding teeth.
Implants prevent bone loss in the jawbone that can occur after tooth loss. This helps maintain a healthy jaw structure and prevents facial collapse.
With proper care, Tooth implants can last a lifetime. They are a much more permanent and reliable solution compared to traditional methods like dentures or bridges that may need to be replaced every few years.
Replacing a missing tooth can significantly improve your smile and boost your confidence. Implants allow you to smile, speak, and eat without worrying about your teeth slipping or becoming loose.
Overall, tooth implants offer a reliable, long-lasting, and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth. They can significantly improve your oral health, function, and confidence.

Frequently asked questions

Dental implants are small, screw-like posts made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They act as artificial tooth roots, providing a strong foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

Generally, individuals with good overall health and sufficient jawbone density are good candidates for dental implants. Patients who have undergone gum disease treatment or bone grafting procedures may also be suitable. Consulting your dentist or oral surgeon is crucial to determine candidacy.

Zygomatic implants: Placed in the cheekbone, for severe upper jawbone loss.
Single tooth implants: Replace a single missing tooth.
Implant-supported bridges: Replace multiple missing teeth.
Implant-retained dentures: Secure full arch dentures.

Dental implant surgery is typically performed with local anesthesia, so you shouldn't feel pain during the procedure. You may experience some discomfort or swelling afterward, which can be managed with medication.

The entire process can take several months. After implant placement, a healing period is required for osseointegration (fusion with jawbone). Then, the abutment and crown are attached.

The cost of dental implants varies depending on factors like the number of implants needed, the type of implant used, and geographic location. Generally, they are more expensive than traditional methods like bridges or dentures, but their long-term benefits often outweigh the initial cost.

With proper care, such as regular brushing, flossing, and dental visits, dental implants can last a lifetime. They are highly durable and resistant to decay.

As with any surgery, there are potential risks like infection or bleeding. However, these are uncommon with proper care by a qualified dentist or oral surgeon.

You should maintain a good oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups. Your dentist may recommend specific cleaning techniques for the implant area.

Traditional options include bridges, which require modifying healthy teeth, or dentures, which can be uncomfortable and unstable. However, implants offer superior long-term benefits in terms of function, aesthetics, and oral health. If you have any further questions or are considering dental implants, consulting a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is the best course of action. They can assess your individual needs and determine if implants are the right solution for you.

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Other Implant Treatments

"I have missing two front teeth for years due to an accident, which affected my confidence. I finally decided to look into dental implants, and I'm so glad I did! The procedure was smoother than I expected, and the results are amazing. My new teeth look and feel completely natural. I can finally smile confidently again, and it's made a huge difference in my life."


PImplant patient

"I had dentures for years, but they were always a hassle. They would slip and slide when I ate, and I constantly worried about them falling out. Dental implants have been a game-changer. My new teeth are fixed securely in my jaw, and I can eat anything I want without any worries. It's such a relief to be able to enjoy food again without feeling self-conscious."

Don Odhiambo

Implant patient

"Dental implants were a significant investment upfront, but they've been absolutely worth it. I know they'll last for many years to come, unlike dentures or bridges that might need to be replaced. Plus, they require minimal maintenance, and they feel just like my natural teeth. Overall, I'm very happy with my decision to go with implants."

Jane K.

Implant patient