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What are Crowns

A dental crown, also sometimes called a cap, is a tooth-shaped restoration that fits over a damaged, weakened, or misshapen tooth. It encases the entire visible portion of the tooth above the gum line, restoring its strength, function, and appearance.

While dental crowns are durable, they can chip or break with excessive force. Proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups, is crucial for maintaining the crown and surrounding teeth.

If you have a damaged, weak, or misshapen tooth, a dental crown may be the ideal solution to restore its health and function. Schedule a consultation to discuss your specific needs and treatment options.

How Does A Dental Crown Work?

A dental crown acts like a tiny, super strong hat for your tooth. It fits over the entire visible portion of a damaged, weak, or broken tooth, encasing it completely.

This protects the tooth from further harm, restores its strength and function, and can even improve its appearance.

Crowns are versatile and can be used for various reasons, from saving a cracked tooth to creating a natural-looking replacement on top of a dental implant.

Benefits of Crowns

A crown can be used to cover a cracked or broken tooth, preventing further damage and restoring the tooth's functionality.
If you have a tooth that is severely discolored, a crown can be used to cover up the discoloration and give you a whiter, brighter smile.
If you have a large filling that is worn out or damaged, a crown can be used to replace the filling and provide a more durable restoration.
A crown can be used to protect a weakened tooth from further damage. This can be helpful for teeth that have been root-canaled or that have undergone other procedures.
A crown can be placed on top of a dental implant to create a natural-looking tooth. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone.
Crowns can be used to improve the appearance of your smile. They can be used to close gaps between teeth, change the shape of teeth, or whiten teeth.

Frequently asked questions

A dental crown is a hollow cap that fits over a prepared tooth, restoring its size, shape, strength, and appearance.

There are several reasons:
  • Repair a cracked, broken, or severely decayed tooth.
  • Restore a weakened tooth after root canal treatment.
  • Improve the appearance of a discolored, misshapen, or misaligned tooth.
  • Cover a dental implant.
  • Support a dental bridge (a replacement for missing teeth).

Common materials include:

Porcelain fused to metal (PFM): Durable, good for back teeth, may chip or show a metal line at the gum.
Emax: A high-quality ceramic material known for its aesthetics.
Zirconia A strong, metal-free material made from zirconium dioxide.

Usually two appointments(two days): one to prepare the tooth and take impressions, and another to place the permanent crown.

No, you'll receive local anesthesia to numb the area during preparation.

With proper care, crowns can last 15-20 years or even longer.

Brush and floss regularly, just like your natural teeth. Maintain regular dental checkups for cleaning and evaluation.

Yes, but avoid chewing on very hard foods or ice, which could damage the crown.

Contact your dentist as soon as possible. They can usually repair or recement a crown.

The cost varies depending on factors like material, location, and dentist. Talk to your dentist for an estimate.

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I chipped my front tooth years ago and never addressed it. It really bothered me, especially in pictures. Finally got a crown, and it looks amazing! You can't even tell it's not my real tooth. Now I smile in photos again with confidence. Thanks, Dr. Carson!


Crown patient

"I thought I'd lose my tooth for sure after it cracked. My dentist recommended a crown, and I'm so glad I went for it. The procedure was painless, and now my tooth feels strong and secure. Plus, it looks completely natural."


Crowns patient

"Crowns were the answer to my constant toothaches! I had a couple of large fillings that kept causing problems. My dentist replaced them with crowns, and it's been a lifesaver. No more pain, and I can finally eat normally again."


Crown patient