Same Day Tooth Alignment

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Transform Your Smile in a Day: Same-Day Tooth Alignment

Have you ever dreamed of a straighter, more confident smile, but dreaded the thought of months-long orthodontic treatment? At Lake Basin, we understand your desire for a beautiful smile quickly and conveniently. That's why we offer innovative same-day tooth alignment using crowns, veneers, and dental bridges.

This revolutionary approach allows us to address minor to moderate misalignment, gaps, or chips in your teeth and achieve a complete smile makeover – all in a single visit!

The process of getting same day alignment is relatively simple, here's how we go about it.

  • Consultation & Digital Imaging: We start with a thorough consultation to assess your needs and suitability for same-day treatment. Advanced digital imaging technology allows us to create a precise 3D model of your teeth and jaw.
  • Computerized Smile Design: Using sophisticated software, we work with you to design your ideal smile. We'll visualize the desired outcome and ensure you're completely happy with the planned transformation.
  • Crafting Your New Smile: While you relax comfortably, our skilled dental technicians utilize the digital model to fabricate your custom crowns, veneers, or bridges using high-strength, natural-looking materials.
  • Precise Placement & Same-Day Transformation: Once crafted, your new restorations are meticulously bonded to your teeth, achieving the beautiful, aligned smile you've envisioned – all within the same day!

Who is a Candidate for Same-Day Tooth Alignment?

During your initial consultation, our experienced dentist will evaluate your specific situation and determine if same-day tooth alignment is the best approach for you. We'll discuss all your options and answer any questions you may have to ensure you make an informed decision about achieving your dream smile.

This treatment is ideal for patients with:
  • Minor to moderate misalignment of teeth
  • Gaps or spaces between teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Uneven or worn teeth

Benefits Of Same Day Alignment

Achieve a dramatic smile improvement in just one appointment, eliminating the need for multiple visits.
Boost your self-esteem with a straighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile instantly.
Modern techniques and materials ensure a comfortable experience throughout the procedure.
Our high-quality crowns, veneers, and bridges are built to last, offering a durable and beautiful smile for years to come.

Frequently asked questions

This treatment addresses minor to moderate misalignment of teeth, gaps between teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, and uneven or worn teeth.

Yes! Crowns, veneers, and bridges used in same-day alignment are built with high-quality, durable materials, offering a long-lasting solution for a beautiful smile.

Braces gradually move teeth over time, requiring multiple appointments. Same-day alignment uses custom-made restorations like crowns and veneers to achieve the desired outcome in a single visit.

Yes! After a consultation and digital imaging, crowns, veneers, or bridges are crafted while you relax. Then, your dentist meticulously bonds them to your teeth, completing the transformation in a single appointment.

Modern techniques and materials prioritize patient comfort. You'll likely experience minimal discomfort during the procedure and may be offered local anesthesia for additional ease.

This treatment is ideal for those with minor to moderate smile imperfections. During a consultation, our dentists will assess your individual case and determine if it's the best approach for you.

The main benefits include:
  • Fast results: Achieves a dream smile in a single visit.
  • Enhanced confidence:Boosts self-esteem with immediate improvement.
  • Minimal discomfort:Modern techniques ensure a comfortable experience.
  • Long-lasting results:High-quality materials offer a durable solution.

This treatment might not be suitable for severe misalignment or complex dental issues. Our dentist will discuss all options during the consultation.

Costs can vary depending on the number of teeth involved and the type of restorations used. Consult with us for an accurate estimate.

Schedule a consultation ! Our experienced dentist will evaluate your needs and discuss if same-day tooth alignment is the right path to achieving your dream smile.

Schedule a consultation today and explore the possibilities of same-day tooth alignment. Let us help you unlock the smile you've always desired – quickly, conveniently, and with stunning results!

Same Day Treatment Options

click here to get more options on same day treatment options which range from crowns, veneers, bridges, cantilevers and more.

"For years, I hid my smile because of a chipped tooth that occured from a childhood accident. Veneers were the perfect solution! The dentist made the process so easy, and now I can't stop smiling. My teeth look natural and beautiful, and my confidence has soared."


Veneer patient

"I always struggled with stubborn coffee stains on my front teeth. Whitening treatments never seemed to work. Veneers were a lifesaver! They're so stain-resistant, and my smile is a bright white now. Plus, they covered up a small gap between my teeth that always bothered me."


Veneers patient

"I never realized how much my uneven smile affected my appearance. Veneers fixed the gaps and chips, and it's amazing how much it changed my whole face. I look younger and more put-together now. Veneers were the best investment I've ever made in myself!"


Veneers patient