Kids Braces

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What are Kids Braces?

Braces for kids are a great way to give children the smile they always wanted.

Kids Braces are a type of dental device used to straighten and align teeth, improving both appearance and oral health for children between 8/9yrs to 16yrs. They consist of metal/ceramic brackets, wires, and sometimes rubber bands, which work together to gradually move teeth into their correct positions.
Braces are often recommended for children and teenagers to correct misaligned bites, overcrowding, and other dental issues.
Our team of experienced orthodontists is here to guide you through the process and ensure a comfortable and successful journey to a straighter smile.

Why Choose Kids Braces?

Braces can greatly benefit kids by addressing these common dental issues, leading to a healthier and more confident smile as they grow up.

  1. Crooked Teeth: Braces can help straighten teeth that are misaligned or crooked, improving their appearance and function.
  2. Overcrowding: When there isn't enough space in the mouth for all of the teeth to fit properly, braces can help create room and align the teeth correctly.
  3. Overbite: This occurs when the upper front teeth overlap too much with the lower front teeth. Braces can help correct this issue and improve bite alignment
  4. Underbite: The lower front teeth protrude in front of the upper front teeth in this condition. Braces can help shift the teeth into the correct position to achieve a proper bite.
  5. Crossbite: When some of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth instead of outside, it's called a crossbite. Braces can correct this misalignment and improve the bite.
  6. Open Bite: An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth don't meet when the mouth is closed. Braces can help close the gap and improve chewing and speaking abilities.
  7. Spacing Issues: Braces can help close gaps or spaces between teeth, improving the overall appearance and function of the smile.
  8. Jaw Misalignment: In some cases, braces may be used to correct jaw misalignment issues, helping to improve facial symmetry and function.

Orthodontic Options Available To Adults

Traditional Metal Braces:
This is the classic option, using metal brackets and wires to gradually align teeth. They are highly effective for all types of misalignments and are affordable See more..

Ceramic Braces:
These are the same as metal braces, but brackets are tooth-colored for a more discreet look. They are less visible than metal and may stain easily See more..

Clear Aligners(Invisalign):
These are removable, transparent plastic trays that gradually shift teeth. They are virtually invisible, comfortable, removable for eating and cleaning. See more..

Lingual Braces:
These are metal brackets and wires placed behind the teeth, completely hidden from view. They are totally invisible and good for self-conscious individuals. See more..

Palatal Expanders:
Palatal expanders are used to widen the upper jaw to create more space for crowded teeth or correct a narrow palate. They are often recommended for children with a crossbite or crowded teeth and are typically used before braces to address skeletal issues. See more..

Functional Appliances:
Functional appliances are used to correct jaw discrepancies and bite issues in growing children. These appliances work by influencing the growth of the jaws and guiding them into the correct alignment. They are often used in combination with braces or other orthodontic treatments to achieve optimal results. See more..

Benefits of Adult Braces

Straighter Teeth And A More Confident Smile!
Improve The Appearance Of Your Teeth
Easier To Maintain Oral Hygiene
Improves Confidence
Proudly Smile For Photographs!
Never Hide Your Smile Behind Your Hand When Talking
Can Close The Gaps From Missing Teeth
Eat Better, Speak Better And Improve Your Quality Of Life

Frequently asked questions

We recommend bringing your child in for a consultation at between 8 and 9 years old; in case they need other treatment to guide the growth of the jaw before getting braces.

The length of time of treatment depends on how complicated your case is, it is best to do an examination with your orthodontist to get the proper timeframe.

Yes, at Lake Basin Dental and Orthodontics Center, we have both clear braces or metal braces to choose from.

Yes. If you have orthodontic treatment to move teeth, the teeth will want to move back. A retainer is the best method of maintaining your straight teeth and prevent a relapse.

You should plan to come in every 4 to 6 weeks for a braces adjustment. Your orthodontist will advise you when to book your next appointment.

Not all children can wear braces. Several factors may make this treatment unsuitable for some.
  1. Age: once permanent teeth erupt, braces should be considered for kids and teens. Younger children may not be ready. Some children may need pre-orthodontic devices before braces. 8–9-year-olds should receive their first orthodontic consultation.
  2. Oral Health: if a child has untreated dental decay or gum disease then braces may not be a good option.
  3. Jaw Growth: some jaw or skeletal anomalies may require jaw surgery later in life. In these cases, braces may be unsuitable as a sole treatment.
  4. Tooth Development: if a child has missing, impacted, or deformed teeth then braces may not be advisable.

Coloured braces add personality to metal braces. There are almost limitless bold, bright, and pastel colours available.

Yes, with good care braces are effective and deliver results when all measures are strictly observed. Retainer will help maintain the new postures after braces removal thus maintaining the new look.

Checkups are done after one month where do adjustments and monitoring of the treatment.

We are located at TRM mall Nairobi. Come to second floor next to Airtel Shop.

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