Orthodontic Appliances

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What are Orthodontic Appliances

Orthodontic appliances are devices used by orthodontists to straighten teeth, correct bite issues, and improve overall oral health. These appliances can be fixed or removable, depending on the treatment needs of the patient

Fixed Orthodontic Appliances are attached to the teeth and cannot be removed by the patient. They are typically used for more complex orthodontic cases and provide continuous pressure to move teeth into their desired positions. They include; Traditional Metal Braces, Ceramic Braces and Lingual Metal Braces. This section will mainly focus on removable orthodontic appliances.

Removable Orthodontic Appliances are dental devices that can be taken out by the patient for cleaning, eating, or other activities. These appliances are commonly used in orthodontic treatment to correct minor tooth movements, align the jaws, or maintain the results of previous orthodontic treatment.

Removable Orthodontic Appliances

1. Fixed Retainers

Fixed retainers consist of a thin wire bonded to the backside of the teeth using dental cement and are placed after completing orthodontic treatment. They are bonded to the teeth and cannot be removed by the patient. Patients should brush and floss carefully around the wire to prevent plaque buildup and maintain oral hygiene.

2.Hawleys Retainers

They are the most traditional type of removable retainers. They consist of a durable acrylic base that fits over the roof of the mouth and a wire that wraps around the front teeth to hold them in place. Hawley retainers are adjustable and can be customized with various colors and designs.

3. Essix Retainers

They are made of clear plastic material that fits snugly over the teeth. They are nearly invisible when worn and are often preferred for their aesthetic appeal. Clear retainers are custom-made for each patient and are designed to maintain the alignment of teeth after orthodontic treatment.

Benefits of Wearing retainers

Retainers help maintain the alignment of teeth after orthodontic treatment, preventing them from shifting back to their original positions. This ensures that the results achieved through braces or aligners are preserved.
Without proper retention, teeth have a natural tendency to shift over time. Wearing retainers as directed by the orthodontist helps prevent relapse and ensures that the teeth remain in their corrected positions.
Retainers not only maintain the alignment of teeth but also help stabilize the bite. This is especially important for patients who have undergone treatment for bite issues such as overbites, underbites, or crossbites.
Shifting teeth can lead to various dental problems, including crowding, spacing issues, and bite problems. By wearing retainers, patients can prevent these issues and maintain good oral health.
Retainers are custom-made to fit the patient's teeth comfortably. While they may take some time to get used to initially, wearing retainers can ultimately improve comfort by ensuring that the teeth are properly aligned and the bite is stable.
Straight teeth not only contribute to better oral health but also enhance the appearance of the smile. By wearing retainers, patients can enjoy the aesthetic benefits of a straighter smile for years to come.

Twin Blocks

Twin blocks are a type of orthodontic appliance used to correct jaw alignment issues. They consist of two removable plastic blocks, one for the upper jaw and one for the lower jaw.

The upper block has an inclined plane that fits against the lower block, gently guiding the lower jaw forward. This helps to correct an overbite, where the upper teeth protrude too far in front of the lower teeth.

Twin blocks are typically most effective when used during growth spurts in children and teenagers. They are comfortable to wear and require minimal maintenance.

Jaw Expander

Jaw expanders are appliances used to widen the upper jaw. They come in various forms, but a common type consists of a screw mechanism placed in the roof of the mouth.

Gradually turning the screw creates gentle pressure that expands the suture, the bone seam where the two halves of the upper jaw meet.

This can create space for crowded teeth or accommodate future tooth eruption. Jaw expanders are often used in conjunction with braces to achieve proper alignment.

Face Mask

Facemasks are headgear appliances used to help correct an underdeveloped upper jaw or protruding lower jaw.

They consist of a strap that goes around the head and connects to an elastic band attached to a plastic framework worn on the headgear.

The elastics apply gentle pressure to the upper jaw, guiding its growth in the desired direction. Facemasks are typically worn at night and for a few hours during the day.

Head Gear

Headgear is a general term for appliances that use straps and elastics to apply pressure to teeth and jaws.

They come in various designs, including cervical headgear (worn around the head and neck) and high-pull headgear (worn around the head and forehead). Headgear can be used for various purposes, such as correcting an overbite, rotating teeth, or controlling jaw growth..

The specific type and duration of headgear use will depend on the individual treatment plan.

Frequently asked questions

The length of time of treatment depends on how complicated your case is, it is best to do an examination with your orthodontist to get the proper timeframe.

Yes, at Lake Basin Dental and Orthodontics Center, we have both clear braces or metal braces to choose from.

Yes. If you have orthodontic treatment to move teeth, the teeth will want to move back. A retainer is the best method of maintaining your straight teeth and prevent a relapse.

Braces treat several dental issues that affect oral health, function, and appearance. They help fix overcrowding, overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites. They also help fix crooked or misaligned teeth. Braces gently move teeth into their right places. This improves alignment and occlusion.

Braces may be necessary for both jaws depending on the treatment goals. They can improve face symmetry and smiles by caring for both upper and lower teeth. Sometimes only one jaw needs braces because the other is already in place.

Yes, with good care braces are effective and deliver results when all measures are strictly observed. Retainer will help maintain the new postures after braces removal thus maintaining the new look.

Checkups are done after one month where do adjustments and monitoring of the treatment.

We are located at TRM mall Nairobi. Come to second floor next to Airtel Shop.

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